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How to improve the efficiency of plastic pipe extrusion line ?

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A lot of things must be in place to achieve what I like to call efficient extrusion. For a high-quality, stable process you need good people running the line and managing the operation. The equipment has to be in good shape, a comprehensive preventive maintenance program should be in place, and the equipment design should allow efficient operation. Efficient plastic pipe extrusion line requires good manufacturing discipline, with people paying attention to detail and always trying to achieve process improvements. Successful extrusion is not about doing two or three things right—it’s about doing hundreds of things right.

Efficient extrusion requires proper instrumentation. Here, the most critical process variables are “the three M’s”: melt pressure, melt temperature, and motor load. They are the vital signs of the extrusion process. They must be continuously measured and monitored. The following parameters should also be measured and monitored:

  • Barrel and die temperatures,

  • Screw speed,

  • Power consumption in each heating or cooling zone,

  • Ambient temperature,

  • Relative humidity,

  • Temperature of feedstock entering extruder,

  • Moisture level of feedstock entering extruder (if hygroscopic),

  • Flow rate of cooling water through feed housing,

  • Water inlet temperature at the feed housing,

  • Water outlet temperature at the feed housing,

  • Vacuum level at vent port (when applicable). 

The feed-housing water flow rate plus inlet and outlet temperatures allow quantitative determination of the amount of cooling taking place. If the cooling channels in the feed housing build up with calcium deposits, heat transfer will gradually deteriorate, significantly affecting extruder performance. If the cooling rate of the feed housing is not measured, it is very difficult to relate deterioration in extruder performance to poor heat transfer in the feed housing.pp pipe extrusion line suppliers China consider all these factors advanced for customers, so they can make the pe pp pipe production line works smoothly and keep the efficiency.


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