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Plastic bottle recycling campaign boosts recycling rate

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Plastic bottles recycling is extremely urgent nowadays for environmental protection. Sevenstars committed to make quality PET bottle recycling machine to make recycling factory can imrove the efficency. A campaign message recently used by the Carolina Plastics Recycling Council to stimulate more recycling by connecting that activity with job creation. The goal of the campaign is to get more bottles in recycling bins across North American. 

The campaign was financed by a unique partnership of industry, recycling-oriented trade associations and local governments including Raleigh, Wake and Orange counties in North American. Using billboards, radio, online ads, social marketing pledges and events, the campaigns call to action for the region is that if each household in the North American increased its plastic bottle recycling by just two bottles a week, that simple act could create 300 new jobs in the two-state region known for its large-scale plastics recycling industry. 

Pollock says, While North American throw out more than 70 percent of the plastic bottles we use, our local industries import recycled bottles from other countries as well abroad to meet their manufacturing demands. This campaign points us in a new direction, fusing the environmental and economic benefits of recycling.

The campaign champion Chantal Fryer says,We are pleased to see a 2 percent increase in the plastic bottles recycled over the previous year; from 1,323 tons in 2016 to 1,349 tons in 2017. This is the equivalent of over 520,000 PET (polyethylene terephthalate) and HDPE (high-density polyethylene) bottles that can be recycled into new products like t-shirts, textiles, plastic pipe and other goods produced in the Carolinas. we excited to see the growth of the recycling and potential jobs as a result of the campaign. 

Alan Goldman of Southeast Grinding, a company that grinds plastic bottles to prepare them for the next step of recycling, adds, Our company was proud to be a part of this innovative campaign to increase plastic bottle recovery and looks forward to celebrating future successes as the Your Bottle Means Jobs campaign expands throughout the Carolinas.

Patrick MacDonald, manager of the Sonoco Recycling processing plant in Raleigh, North American, which handles many of the region's bottles, says, Our company recognized real value in this promotional approach from the increase in bottle sales. Even with bottle prices low, we can make up some of that difference with the increase in volume. We know there are many more plastic bottles that can be easily recovered. If everyone does two more bottles a week, the impact will be enormous, good for the earth, good for our community and our company.


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