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Recyclable Plastic: What Plastic Can I Recycle?

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What is recyclable plastic? Even the best of us finds plastic recycling a minefield. Local Authorities have tried to make it easier by using terms such as: plastic bottles, yoghurt pots and margarine tubs. However, what do you do if you don't have these exact items? How do you know if they collect and recycle the plastic?

Plastic waste is not ideal, but this guide will help you identify each plastic and work out what your Local Authority will take.


PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate)——Recyclable Plastic

PET plastic is the most widely recycled. It is often used for single use clear plastic bottles. You can recycle this plastic if your Local Authority refers to:

· Plastic Bottles

· Fizzy pop bottles

· Mouthwash bottles

· Yoghurt pots (check the plastic before recycling as some can be made from polystyrene)

PET can be recycled into polyester fabric and filling for for fleeces, carpets and cushion fillings.


HDPE (High Density Polyethylene)——Recyclable Plastic (Check Local Authority)

HDPE can be recycled. However, you will need to check with your Local Authority to ensure it is recycled in your area. HDPE is often found in stiff coloured bottles/tubs. You can recycle this plastic if your Local Authority mentions:

· Milk Jugs

· Plastic bottle caps

· Bleach/detergent bottles

· Shampoo bottles

· Margarine tubs

· Ice cream tubs

HDPE can be recycled into pens and detergent bottles.


PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride)——Non Recyclable Plastic

PVC is not recyclable in normal collections. You can find this plastic in:

· Cling film

· Blister packaging

· Hoses

· Table protectors

· Plastic pipes

· Plastic outdoor furniture


LDPE (Low-Density Polyethylene)——Recyclable Plastic (Check Local Authority)

LDPE can be recycled. However, you will need to check with your Local Authority to ensure it is recycled in your area. This is a hard flexible plastic. You can recycle this plastic if your Local Authority mentions:

· Bread bags

· Frozen food bags

· Squeezable bottles i.e hand cream tubes

· Bubble wrap——if specifically mentioned

LDPE can be recycled into bin liners.


PP (Polypropylene)——Recyclable Plastic (Check Local Authority)

PP can be recycled. However, you will need to check with your Local Authority to ensure it is recycled in your area.

You can recycle this plastic if your Local Authority mentions:

· Packing tape

· Plastic Straws

· Take away tubs

· Ketchup bottles

· Plastic picnic ware

· Plastic bags or film that can’t be stretched- these are not recyclable

Polypropylene can be recycled into brooms, brushes, garden rakes and plastic trays.


PS (Polystyrene)——Non Recyclable Plastic

Polystyrene is not recyclable in normal collections. There 2 types of polystyrene (hard, brittle plastic) and expanded polystyrene (light, insulating, waterproof plastic).


Non Recyclable Plastic——Non Recyclable Plastic

Other plastics are not recyclable in normal collections. This categorises all other plastics including bioplastics, composite plastics (like crisp wrappers), plastic coated wrapping paper and polycarbonate (which contains BPA).

7 kinds of plastic

Purchase Plastic Recycling Machine From Us

lt is very important to quality Plastic recycling machine for production. The machine is reliable, dependable, durable, and easy to use. Besides, with a quality machine, it is easy to achieve optimum performance and increase the revenue of your company.

As a reputable and experienced manufacturer, we produce plastic recycling lines that meet your needs. Kindly contact us for a quality product, and you will be glad you did.


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